Friday, March 25, 2016

Lust from Full Metal Alchemist

Lust is a Homunculus with the abilities to extend and shape her finger into sharp claws at her will. She have the mark of Ouroboros on her chest and usually travel together with another Homunculus called Gluttony.


A Homunculus is basically a failed product of attempt to revive a dead person through alchemist in which it produced an abomination creature with human soul bind into it. Like any other Homunculus, she inherit the power to heal and regenerate from any type of injuries which making her almost immortal. Homunculus are not complete immortal as they needs feed on Philosopher's stone in order to maintain their power and sanity.

Anime: Full Metal Alchemist (2003)
Total Episode: 51
Genres: action, adventure, drama, fantasy, military, sci-fi, superpower, supernatural

Lust is manipulator and she is dangerous.

Lust Cosplay
Lust Cosplay

Lust Fan Art
Lust Fan Art

Lust Action Figure
Lust Action Figure

Lust's Finger Claws
Lust's Finger-Claws

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